►Pictures Tamanu

Tamanu-Oil™: Essential for many at- Aging of the skin, Dry skin, Acne, Eczema, Scars, Muscles, Rheumatism, Wounds, Hair loss, Skin damage, Scrapes.

The Original Tamanu-Oil, authentic, pure, 100% natural, pesticide free.
The authentic Tamanu-Oil is rich in oil and linolenic fatty acids, these substances moisture the skin and softens the skin.
What makes the oil even more special is that Tamanu-Oil ™ does not make the skin greasy.

Traditionally Tamanu Oil™ is used for:
• Anti-aging
• Dry skin
• Rash
• Scars
• Muscles
• Tamanu oil possesses special activities:
antiviral and antibacterial
In our research institutue each batch is analysed for purity.



The most effective natural skin healing oil often called the golden oil given from nature.

Before After
Before after
Tamanu Skin

Irritated or sensitive skin reacts violently to outside influences than normal skin. Sensitive skin is almost always dry, but can also become irritated other skin types.
If you can get to irritated skin with the following symptoms:
     Dry, scaly skin.
     Taut-feeling skin after showering.
     Scaly skin.
     Red rash.
     Itchy skin.


Tamanu Nuts

The nuts naturally release themselves from the trees. The process is quite long and complex. The nuts are left in the appropriate conditioned rooms so that the pure Tamanu-Oil is released naturally. Every other process does not give the same result.

Tamanu Nuts
Tamanu : Calophyllum inophyllum